This is a draft of first experiment done on partially reconstructing audio waveform that can capture distinct motion patterns occuring in a video such as hits, collision, throw, etc.

Motivation: We have videos and their corresponding audio stream. Can we exploit it to obtain better features? Self-supervised learning?


I used the 19/02/2018 snapshot of Something-Something dataset from internal data factory of 20bn, since the released versions don’t contain audio streams

The data is then filtered using only the classes containing distinct sounds such as hit, collide, drop, etc. for the model to learn the change in sound signal using visual features.

1. Hitting [something] with [something]
2. Throwing [something] against [something]
3. Throwing [something] onto a surface
4. Dropping [something] onto [something]
5. Dropping [something] into [something]
6. Dropping [something] behind [something]
7. Dropping [something] in front of [something]
8. [Something] colliding with [something] and both are being deflected
9. [Something] being deflected from [something]
10. [Something] colliding with [something] and both come to a halt
11. Poking a stack of [something] so the stack collapses
12. Moving [something] and [something] so they collide with each other

Following is the number of samples in train and validation splits:

Train split

  • Original number in the snapshot = 253,663
  • After filtering videos using sound classes = 13,825
  • After removing faulty videos = 12,991

Validation split

  • Original number in the snapshot = 31,579
  • After filtering videos using sound classes = 1807
  • After removing faulty videos = 1708

Note: Here faulty videos refer to videos containing no or corrupt audio stream



Took the audio waveform’s first channel and applied the following transformations:

For example, take the video with label - Hitting [something] with [something]

with duration = 4.25 sec, and with the sampling rate = 44100, the audio waveform looks like,

Note: The last tick in the waveform is not a hit but a camera click sound!

  1. Scale the 16-bit integers in the waveform to a real value between -1 and 1 using torchaudio’s Scale(), and took the magnitude of each point
  1. Smooth the signal using a Gaussian distibution with mean=0 and sigma=200
  1. Downsample the waveform (drastically!) to frame rate of 12 (similar to videos), and scale the signal to [0,1], to obtain the final waveform:


I took a model pre-trained model on something-something-v2 [1] using the code in the baseline repo [2], which takes:

Input video of shape: [batch_size, 3, num_frames, H, W], where
    num_frames = 48
    H = W = 224
Output features of shape: [batch_size, 512, 48, 7, 7]
Reshaped to: [batch_size, 48, 512x7x7]

I added 2-layered LSTM to take the signal and output:

Output shape after LSTM layers: [batch_size, 48, 512]

I applied a 3-layered fully-connected NN to convert the 512 dimensional features to size 1:

Output shape after FC layers: [batch_size, 48]

The output is passed though a sigmoid layer to threshold values between [0,1] and then binary cross-entropy loss function is used to regress the values with the processed audio waveform.

The idea is to generate the audio waveform samples corresponding to each frame feature in the video (here num_frames = 48).


From validation set (of ~1700 samples), I randomly picked 100 samples and manually classfied the predictions into three categories - good(1), not_so_good(0), bad(-1).

Class label Total samples Total score
Hitting [something] with [something] 16 9(1) + 5(0) + 2(-1) = 7
Throwing [something] against [something] 9 7(1) + 2(0) = 7
Throwing [something] onto a surface 7 5(1) + 1(0) + 1(-1) = 4
Dropping [something] onto [something] 12 9(1) + 1(0) + 2(-1) = 7
Dropping [something] into [something] 12 9(1)+ 1(0) + 2(-1) = 7
Dropping [something] behind [something] 10 7(1) + 3(-1) = 4
Dropping [something] in front of [something] 5 4(1) + 1(-1) = 3
[Something] colliding with [something] and both are being deflected 9 7(1) + 2(-1) = 5
[Something] being deflected from [something] 8 7(1) + 1(-1) = 6
[Something] colliding with [something] and both come to a halt 6 5(1) + 1(0) = 5
Poking a stack of [something] so the stack collapses - -
Moving [something] and [something] so they collide with each other 6 5(1) + 1(0) = 5
TOTAL 100 60

Given the scoring method (of assigning values in {-1, 0, 1}), the expected value of a random algorithm will be 0. The best and worst case will give 1 and -1 respectively. The above analysis suggests a score of 0.6 (= 60/100).

Sample Predictions (good=1)

Most of random noise in the audio signal is caused by background music, people talking, object specific movement(e.g. car wheels), camera clicks, etc.

Id: 85210; Label: Dropping something into something mygif-2

Id: 1712533; Label: Something colliding with something and both are being deflected mygif-1

Id: 1068329; Label: Dropping something behind something peak near end gif

Id: 755333; Label: Something colliding with something and both are being deflected 50 cents to 2 euros! gif-19

Id: 1767982; Label: Dropping something into something Note: camera sound click at the end in the ground truth gif-8

Id: 1057884; Label: Hitting something with something Note: random noise in ground truth gif-14

Id: 909860; Label: Moving something and something so they collide with each other Note: random noise in ground truth gif-17

Id: 90395: Label: Something being deflected from something Note: random noise in ground truth gif-18

Sample Predictions (not_so_good=0)

Id: 53381; Label: Moving something and something so they collide with each other multiple hits gif-16

Id: 89109; Label: Dropping something into something gif-9

Id: 1070404; Label: Hitting something with something multiple peaks not recognised gif-12

Sample Predictions (bad=-1)

Id: 1439494; Label: Dropping something behind something faulty gif-1

Id: 1625641; Label: Dropping something behind something wasted! gif-2

Id: 1368947; Label: Dropping something in front of something wasted! gif-4

Id: 96318; Label: Dropping something into something wasted! gif-7

Id: 666725; Label: Dropping something onto something faulty recording gif-10

Id: 33045; Label: Dropping something onto something why 2 peaks? gif-11

Id: 1843956; Label: Hitting something with something remote controller button press - no discernible action! gif-13

Id: 1442357; Label: Hitting something with something wasted! gif-15


This is a first attempt to explore whether self-supervised learning can be leveraged to improve generalisation capabity of model in the case of something-something dataset. The future work will be to potentially use this as an auxillary task!

Please comment or provide any feedback for the approach taken. Thanks for reading :)


